Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Good Morning

Jackson took two in each leg yesterday. I am glad that I do not remember doctors visits when I was his age. In the span of one year he will get more then fifteen shots. Thankfully they also come with childrens grape flavored tylenol. I only remember one shot, the Mcdonalds treat after the doctors and that I was allowed to put on my favorite pajamas after lunch instead of at night. McDonalds. Pajamas. Compassion. I had no idea then but my parents had compassion on me that day. I thought that I was milking it for all it was worth. It hurts too bad to eat boring food at home; I can't get my shorts back on it hurts so bad. And so the day went. In truth, now that I am on the other side, what a pain it would be to put up with a whiney kid on a rainy day when there are more important things to do. But that's not what happened. They spent money for me, they bent the rules for me and they validated my pain. Compassion.


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