Monday, November 29, 2004

crib talks

Some of you might think that I am cruel. I prefer to think of it as civilized. Jackson is a bit grogy after eating and playing but I hate to put him right back to sleep that early in the morning. My solution is Crib Talks. He sits in his crib with his Boppy and toys while I have breakfast in the rocker across from him. We chat, chew on bagels, socks and hot chocolate maybe we will toss in a zebra for flavor every now and then. I considered these times a little cruel at first because I am mom putting down her child when he really just wants to be held but than I realized that he needs to work this out. With help of course. I will offer him the sock if he needs one or perhaps DA DA the crib friendly dragon. But mostly we talk. What day is this is a great topic followed by the wheather. Maybe a song next and by that time the hot chocolate is done the sock is soaked and we are both ready for our next nap. Being civilized starts young.

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