Saturday, February 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

It was a great day here and its not even over! Its 50-60 outside(sorry Higgie) so we decided to go to Meshugah for breakfast. Things like cars people really get Jack excited these days. But most of all DOGS. He likes to almost jump out of my arms for them and when he can't get to them he starts to whine. This overwhelms me. The protective Mama Bear is growing every day. She grows her strength out of fear and lack of faith. How do I teach and sheild at the same time? How do I guide and encourage at the same time? At this piont I don't have much of an answer but I do have hope with knowledge that God is sovereign. What's great about this is the fact that He can do so much more of this than I can or will ever be able to do. This gives me peace. That peace keeps Mama Bear quite and laughing.

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