Monday, February 28, 2005

What Drool?

What Drool?
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

When I pulled down my favorite black turtlenck's sleave to wipe up some drool I realized how immune I have become to this part of babylife. The drool puddle was more like a lake and it took more than one wipe to clean it up. I had a wet sleeve for the rest of the day. You've got to laugh and realize somewhere in the back of your mind the fact that more laundry loads is not that big of a deal, really its not. Drool is also the thing that people reacte to the most. It goes like this, stranger says 'Look at those great blue eyes!' than 'Whoa watch out your getting drooled on' last 'Yeah,it's o.k. I am doing laundry later'. Drool also has the most amazing ability to disolve paper in seconds. For some reason people just hand him paper. Jack immediatly finds the corner, the drool does it's job, and the paper corner sets up residence on top of the tongue. One day I thought that he had grown teeth because a bit of paper was sticking out between his lips. I have to admit that one of the skills I am proud of is finding and taking the paper corners out of Jack's mouth. The corners then go into the pocket where they stay until laudry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tirzah, you captured that perfect split-second look again. You are great with the camera.