Saturday, March 26, 2005

don t be sad

don t be sad
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

Anybody remember teething? Good. So far its been the worst thing. Yeah we have had our days of bad skin and they are not fun but one little tooth causes alot of pain. Poor guy we have just been layin around the house the last two days. He hasnt cried much but thats because he is a trooper. I can tell he doesnt feel good because he just gets mildly excited instead of arm flapping joy. I saw real white tooth that I think is through before I put him to bed. This too shall pass. But here is my confession. Never have I felt so usefull. He really is comforted by me. I am his mom and all but I am starting to see the depth of hugs walks and songs. My perseptions as a non-mom were that I need to do everything right for the kid but that is changing. A perfect nursery and a sparkeling clean kitchen doesnt go that far when we are sad and not feeling good. So in the end just like I think woman are pregant for 9 months to get used to the idea I think teething is a good learning ground for workin on hugs, walking paths and new songs.

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