Tuesday, March 15, 2005

old & new

old & new
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

i saw this photo after coming home from the park a whole week ago and it stopped me. little hands-big frisbee. there have been hours that i have spent with people, brother, friends, strangers,husband, aiming this disk at each other. sometimes in a good way sometimes in a bad way. but this flat disk represents more of my life than just time. it is something i can do. i have been with jack everyday for eight and a half months, i know him but i am also learning what we got ourselves into. the stark difference between the two is what stopped me when i saw this picture. i have very little time left of my twenties, a half hour acually, and i will be honest that i am not thrilled. but this picture clarifeid a lot for me. after the classroom education of the 20s now i really get to learn. i am excited about 30s and little hands on big frisbees.


Anonymous said...

i love this post tirzah.
love oma

Anonymous said...

man, what a doll!! it was so good to see you the other day. thanks so much for stopping by.
can you please e-mail me y'alls address?
casey :)

Anonymous said...

this might help!