Friday, April 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

I know that there have been Meshuggah pictures here before but this one is different. Look very very closley at the top and you will see a girl. That girl who I dont know and dont feel bad for blogging her here because she is so small. She is looking up a word in the dictionary. The dictionary is one of my favorite things there at Meshuggah. Why you might ask because it doesnt seem to help your spelling at all. It is not about spelling. It is about being able to ask for help and work toward getting help: both are things that are difficult for me. It is like I don't know what letter to start with. So I am always encouraged when I see someone using that huge dictionary up on the second floor because it reminds me to keep seeking and looking. Thanks to everyone for putting up with my spelling, it might always be bad.

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