Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

Any honest Blogger will tell you that it is very easy to recreate who and what you are on a blog. The picture above is about me being honest. I havent posted any "reality" pictures. I know that everyone likes to see smiles but there are tears also. These tears were just hungry tired tears but tears just the same. To be honest the tears remind me of alot of things. First this little guy is totaly dependant on Bo and I. Second Bo and I are totaly dependant on God for the same things. It is hard being in the middle sometimes but things are clearer there. Third the tears remind me that this growing up thing is hard and its ok to loose it sometimes. Lastly the tears remind me that Jack is a being that I did not make. If I had made him I probably would leave out this crying because I want him to be happy and content all the time. But I didnt make him, God did and He knows that happy and content include crying sometimes.

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