Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow kid

Snow angel
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom
Snow day today. I have to admit that snow days now vs. snow days 8 yrs are a bit different, they are harder. I was a bit of a grump this morning b/c I know what it takes now to sled, play and recover from snow days. It can be too much sometimes. Thoughts and fears of how my knee would do also hindered my usual excited about snow attitude. But I am glad to say that fun was had by all. The knee did great and we had a great mix of indoor ,outdoor, snow ball, sledding, hot chocolate, card game, dad is home!, mexican for lunch! kind of day. My favorite part was sitting in a chair with cora bundled up watching the kids and friends sled and slide down the hill. It was a far cry from sledding in StL 8 years ago but thankfully I see that as a good thing now.


Kristi said...

I had my first taste of "snow with a kid" this morning, and I was a little grumpy too. But two cups of hot chocolate helped with that, and we got some cute pics out of the deal.

Marie M. said...

I'm glad to hear that your knee held up with all the fun!