Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I was envious as one of my best friends reached out to pet what we both considered a beautiful dog. Why envious? Fear. Jackson is 5 weeks old, and that has opened a whole new fear factor. Where has that dog been? Where has its nose been? Does it have some green, scaly skin desease that is invisible but very real? Will it teach Jackson to roll in the dirt? For 3 days I was in the hospital, in "clean land," then my mom stayed at the house for two weeks. And mom can clean! I thought that was great, but now I miss being dirty. There is something great about showering because you NEED to, not just because you're bored or Jackson is finally asleep. But now I see dirt in a whole new light. Yes, the dirt on my floor is a, well, dirty thing, and I wish I had the energy to clean it, but if given the chance to plop Jackson down in the dirt to play, I will do it.

In about 12 months.

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