Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Traveling with Jack

Jackson takes his first road trip tomorrow. The cd case is full of Wilco,U2,OTR,Beastie Boys, and perfect mixes. We are taking what feels like a pilgramage to my grandmothers house in Ohio. I thrills me to take him to her for the first time but it also breaks my heart. He will never smell the black top driveway after the summer rain like I did. He will not get a chance to claim the badmitten trophy or spend hours competing at bumper pool in the cool basements. These are the things I miss most, these were my summers, they seemed endless. Hours of bike riding, tri-ominos on the back porch, bird watching, reading on the waterbed, and cousins. My summers. I am just now realizing that I cannot program Jackson's memories. The thought of trying to do that sickens me as much as the thought of Jackson not getting to experience simple beauty like I did.
So when we start off tomorrow morning I realize that things really haven't changed much. Just the roles.

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