Monday, February 28, 2005

What Drool?

What Drool?
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

When I pulled down my favorite black turtlenck's sleave to wipe up some drool I realized how immune I have become to this part of babylife. The drool puddle was more like a lake and it took more than one wipe to clean it up. I had a wet sleeve for the rest of the day. You've got to laugh and realize somewhere in the back of your mind the fact that more laundry loads is not that big of a deal, really its not. Drool is also the thing that people reacte to the most. It goes like this, stranger says 'Look at those great blue eyes!' than 'Whoa watch out your getting drooled on' last 'Yeah,it's o.k. I am doing laundry later'. Drool also has the most amazing ability to disolve paper in seconds. For some reason people just hand him paper. Jack immediatly finds the corner, the drool does it's job, and the paper corner sets up residence on top of the tongue. One day I thought that he had grown teeth because a bit of paper was sticking out between his lips. I have to admit that one of the skills I am proud of is finding and taking the paper corners out of Jack's mouth. The corners then go into the pocket where they stay until laudry.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Dinner time

Dinner time
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

The Rhodes guys hangin out befoe dinner.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Papa Joe

Papa Joe
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

So this is Jacks grandfather, Bo's dad. Which we have all named for Jack as Papa Joe. I introduced you to Opa, my dad earlier in the blog. We dont get to see either as much as we would like to but that makes time together all that more special.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

This photo is from pictures taken during Christmas time but I just now developed the film. I love this shot.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

not for long

not for long
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

I wanted to show you Jack's shoes. I have been putting these on for a few months now and I still like them. At this piont I really thought that I would be getting sick of putting them on his feet but I still like doing it. Maybe I see that I dont get to do it very long.

Friday, February 18, 2005

First art show

First art show
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

Our friend Josh Welker had a art show opening last saturday that Jack and I were able to attend. It was a great first step for everyone involved. What you don't see in this picture is the amount of people that were there. It was packed! We didn't stay long because of people talking to Jack was a little much and bed time was fast approaching.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Valentines Day

Valentines Day
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

True excitment is hard to hide. Jack received some fun gifts for Valentines Day. He is also getting better at opening things by himself. Thanks from Jack to all via Mama R.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

favorite toys

favorite toys
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

When you think of baths you probably think of rubber ducks as the toy of choice. Jack on the other hand prefers an orange lid to a shaving cream bottle(cleaned of course). Bath times for the most part are really fun. He is starting to realize his splashing potential with his legs and his arms.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm a car watcher

I'm a car watcher
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

So I've probably mentioned this but Jack loves to sit and watch the cars come down the street. It is funny to see him lean in as far as he can go to see the cars drive away. He will then look at you like next please.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Baby Boy

Baby Boy
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

Just a reminder of the scene around here about five months ago. Now we yawn less, sleep more, eat more, and go crazy over cars out the window.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Play day

Play day
Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

I thought that I should take advantage of Jack's play time in the sun to show you his hair. There is a part in the left side that no matter what it never stays down. The other side stays flat and smooth no matter what. I find myself either trying to press the one side down while messing up the other side. These techniques don't work as you can see.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

It was a great day here and its not even over! Its 50-60 outside(sorry Higgie) so we decided to go to Meshugah for breakfast. Things like cars people really get Jack excited these days. But most of all DOGS. He likes to almost jump out of my arms for them and when he can't get to them he starts to whine. This overwhelms me. The protective Mama Bear is growing every day. She grows her strength out of fear and lack of faith. How do I teach and sheild at the same time? How do I guide and encourage at the same time? At this piont I don't have much of an answer but I do have hope with knowledge that God is sovereign. What's great about this is the fact that He can do so much more of this than I can or will ever be able to do. This gives me peace. That peace keeps Mama Bear quite and laughing.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jacks mom.

There must be a toy out there that is just made out of tags. If there isn't there should be. Jack will arrange all of his toys and even blankets so that all of the tags face him and he has choices. The vest I wear alot also has a tag. There have been times that I don't realize that he has been munchin on it and I will zip up my vest while soaking my fingers. Fun stuff.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005